The Best Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream You've Ever Had - Recipe Included!

What's better than a cold, creamy scoop of homemade strawberry ice cream on a hot summer day? Not much! It's sweet, it's refreshing, and it takes you back to simpler times. And with this recipe, you can make the creamiest, most delicious strawberry ice cream you've ever tasted right in your own kitchen.

No need to wait in line at the store or make a special trip; just bring your ingredients together and get started. Of course, if you want to switch up the flavor profile a bit or try out some extra add-ins to give your treat a little oomph, that's always an option too. How about mixing in some dark chocolate chips or adding some caramel sauce?

From start to finish (including time for chilling!), this decadent ice cream dessert can be ready in less than an hour. So why not gather your ingredients and let's make some homemade strawberry ice cream?

What You'll Need for the Recipe

At first glance, ice cream might seem difficult to make from scratch, but have no fear; you only need a few key ingredients and you'll be able to whip this delicious treat up with ease! Here's what you'll need:

  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 pound of fresh strawberries
  • Juice of half a lemon

You can also add a tablespoon of vanilla extract for extra flavor. Once you've gathered your ingredients, it's time to start prepping the strawberry ice cream base!

Step-by-Step Instructions for Preparing the Ice Cream

Making homemade strawberry ice cream is easier than you think! All you need are a few basic ingredients, an electric mixer or stand mixer, and some elbow grease. Here's what to do:

  1. Start by preparing your ice cream base—combine the heavy cream and milk in a bowl and mix it with an electric mixer or stand mixer until it's thick and creamy.

  2. Add some sugar—this recipe calls for 34 cup granulated sugar. Begin with 12 cup and add more as needed.

  3. Now it's time to add the strawberries! Hull 2 cups of fresh strawberries and puree them in a food processor or blender. Once all the fruit is pureed, add it to the ice cream base and mix until everything is well combined.

  4. Transfer the mixture to a large container, cover it, and place it in the freezer for at least 4 hours—overnight is ideal! The longer you freeze your ice cream base, the firmer your dessert will be when served.

  5. When ready to serve, let your homemade strawberry ice cream sit on your countertop for 15 minutes before scooping out servings into individual bowls or cones. Enjoy!

Tips for Creating a Smooth Texture

Now it's time for the fun part: making the best homemade strawberry ice cream you've ever had. It takes a little bit of practice to get the texture just right—but once you do, you'll be hooked! Here are some tips that will help make your ice cream super smooth and creamy:

Temperature Matters

Temperature is one of the most important aspects of creamy ice cream. If your ingredients are too cold, or even worse, if your mixture freezes before churning, you'll end up with an icy texture. To avoid this, work quickly once all your ingredients are in the mixing bowl.

Move Air Out While Churning

It's also key to incorporate as much air as possible while churning. But don't forget to move some of that air out while churning by gently pushing some of the air bubbles away – this helps it freeze up into creamy ice cream instead of a rock-hard piece of ice!

Don't Over Churn

Finally, don't over churn! Keep an eye on your mixture as it churns so you know when it's reached its optimal consistency – typically when it looks like soft-serve ice cream. If you over churn and keep going past that point, you'll end up with icy chunks instead of creamy perfection.

The Science Behind the Perfect Strawberry Flavoring

Now for the strawberry flavor! You know how homemade ice cream tastes better than store-bought stuff? That has to do with how you can customize the taste to your own preference, and that's where your strawberry flavoring comes in.

So what goes into making sure your ice cream is the yummiest it can be? Here’s a few scientific tips:

Perfect texture

The texture of your strawberries should be like a ripe peach — neither too hard or too mushy. Use very ripe, but not overripe strawberries, as they will give your ice cream the perfect consistency without needing additional additives.

Flavor boosters

Using fresh, fragrant berries will give you the maximum flavor possible, but next time try adding one teaspoon of vanilla extract and two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to enhance it. This will create a juicy, sweet-tart flavor that can't be beaten!

Sugar overload

You don't want a cloyingly sweet dessert, so use care when adding sugar. Too much sugar will make for icy ice cream, but not enough won't bring out all those amazing berry flavors. So instead of adding all the sugar at once, try adding one tablespoon at a time and tasting as you go. It may take some trial and error to get it just right - but that's what makes cooking so fun!

Garnish Ideas for Adding Extra Flavor

Now that you've created your delicious, homemade strawberry ice cream, it's time to take it up a notch. We promised you the best homemade strawberry ice cream you've ever had—so why not add some garnishes and extras to make your dessert experience extra special?


Think of toppings like sprinkles or chopped nuts. The great thing is that you can have fun with this, and making it your own by experimenting with different flavors. The same goes for sauces—why not explore different kinds of sweet or savory sauces to drizzle over the creamy goodness?

Fruits and sweets

Fruits and sweets are a classic when it comes to desserts—you really can't go wrong here. Sliced strawberries, of course, are a great choice when it comes to this recipe, but other fruits work as well. If you're looking for something a bit sweeter, why not try adding some chunks of chocolate or even mini marshmallows for an extra tasty treat?

Remember to have fun when making the ideal garnish for your homemade strawberry ice cream! Don't be scared to be creative and try different flavours. If everything else fails, there's always more ice cream!

Troubleshooting Tips for Common Issues

If you have never tried your hand at homemade ice cream before, fear not—we've got you covered! Here are a few troubleshooting tips to keep in mind if you ever run into any issues while making your homemade strawberry ice cream.

Churning Too Long

If you let your ice cream churn for too long, it will become too hard. You want the mixture to be soft but still scoopable—it should have the consistency of thick soft-serve ice cream. If it gets too hard, just pop it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or so, and then give it another spin in the ice cream maker.

Not Sweet Enough

If your ice cream isn't sweet enough for you, add a bit more sugar to the mixture when you're churning it. The sugar helps keep the mixture soft and prevents large ice crystals from forming, so adding more sugar can help get rid of any crunchy bits that may have developed during churning.

Freezing Solid in the Ice Cream Maker Bowl

If your mixture freezes up solid in the bowl of your ice cream maker before it's finished churning, don't worry—this happens to everyone at some point! Just let the bowl sit out for 15 minutes to thaw slightly before giving it another go.


So there you have a delicious and simple recipe for homemade strawberry ice cream with just a few ingredients and plenty of deliciousness in store, you can't go wrong it's the perfect way to cool off a hot summer day and it'll be a hit with the whole family.

So preheat the oven and go ahead and make a pint of that homemade strawberry ice cream  you won't regret it!

Bon appetit!

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