Home-Made Deliciousness: How to Make Vanilla Ice Cream

Are you ready for the ultimate summer treat? There’s nothing like a cold, creamy scoop of ice cream on a hot day. And what could be better than creating your own delicious homemade version without having to leave the house?

That's right, we're talking about making your own vanilla ice cream in the comfort of your home. It's easier than you might think and if you follow our simple instructions, soon enough you'll be savoring cold, creamy goodness that only takes minutes to prepare.

This classic recipe is sure to delight everyone (especially the kids!). So let's get started! We'll start with gathering together all the ingredients and supplies. Then we'll move on to prepping, freezing and finally serving this deliciousness. Ready? Let's go!

Ingredients Needed to Make Ice Cream

Making your own vanilla ice cream at home is a delicious way to treat yourself and your family. It's definitely easier than you might think and the freshest ingredients will guarantee a taste sensation that you won't forget!

So, what do you need to make this miracle happen? Here are the materials you'll need to get started:

  • 2 cups of heavy cream
  • 1 cup of whole milk
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of pure vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt

You’ll also need some basic kitchen equipment like an electric stand mixer, or electric handheld mixer, and storage containers to store your freshly made ice cream. Now you're ready to start making delicious vanilla ice cream at home – yum!

Step-by-Step Instructions to Prepare Ice Cream

Making your own vanilla ice cream is not as difficult as you might think. You don't even need an ice cream maker to get started. In fact, all you need is a few ingredients, a bowl, and some patience as you work through the following steps.

The basic recipe for two servings is simple and delicious:

  • Whisk 1/2 cup sugar with 2 egg yolks in a medium bowl until it's light and fluffy.
  • Heat 1 cup of cream in a saucepan on medium-high heat until the edges start to bubble. Gradually pour the cream over the egg mixture and whisk until combined.
  • Return the mixture to the stovetop and cook on low-medium heat while stirring constantly for 8-10 minutes until it has thickened enough that it coats the back of a spoon without dripping off straight away.
  • Remove mixture from heat and add 2 teaspoons of pure vanilla extract, before transferring into an airtight container and refrigerating overnight.
  • The next day, freeze mixture in an ice cream maker according to manufacturer's instructions until creamy and scoopable. Serve with your favorite toppings!

Tips and Tricks for Making Delicious Vanilla Ice Cream

Making homemade ice cream isn't hard, but it pays to pay attention to small details. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make delicious vanilla ice cream every time:

Use High Quality Ingredients

When it comes to ice cream, high quality ingredients make all the difference. Always opt for ingredients like organic heavy cream, organic sugar and pure vanilla extract for the richest flavor.

Don’t Overmix

Be careful not to overmix your ice cream — if you do, it will be bitter and grainy. Over-mixing can also make your homemade ice cream too icy.

Chill before churning

Always chill your mixture thoroughly before churning in your ice cream maker. The colder the mix, the better the texture and flavor of your ice cream.

Add Mix-Ins Right at the End

If you plan on adding mix-ins like chocolate chips or candy pieces, wait until right before you are done churning so they don’t sink to the bottom of your bowl!

Necessary Kitchen Tools and Utensils

Now that we have all the ingredients, let's discuss the necessary kitchen tools and utensils you need to make vanilla ice cream.

You will need:

  • a large bowl
  • an electric hand mixer or whisk
  • a rubber spatula
  • an airtight container or ice cream churner

With these tools you're all set to begin your journey into home-made deliciousness. And don't forget—the right tools can make your life in the kitchen easier so it's worth investing in good quality items.

Using your electric mixer or whisk, combine all the ingredients together in the large bowl until they form a thick and creamy mixture then, use your spatula to scrape down the sides of the bowl and combine any unmixed ingredients. When everything is mixed together nicely, pour the mixture into an airtight container or ice cream churner, before placing it in the fridge for at least 6 hours, or overnight.

How Long Does Vanilla Ice Cream Last?

Once your delicious vanilla ice cream is made, you'll want to know how long it will last. Well, the good news is that it stays fresh for quite a while if stored properly.


You'll need to keep your homemade vanilla ice cream in the fridge or freezer. It will last up to three weeks in the refrigerator, and up to two months in the freezer. You can also store it in a container at 0°F/-18°C. The key here is making sure that your finished product is airtight before refrigerating or freezing—this will help prevent any icy crystals from forming.

Other Tips

If you're not going to eat all of your vanilla ice cream at once, you can separate it into smaller portions and store those—it's better for freshness. When taking it out of the freezer, let the ice cream sit out for about five minutes before scooping, so that it's nice and creamy when it hits your taste buds! Enjoy!

Nutritional Value of Vanilla Ice Cream

Now that you know how to make vanilla ice cream, you might be wondering about its nutritional value. After all, your homemade creation is sure to taste delicious, but is it actually a healthy treat?

Calories and Fat

The good news is that one serving of vanilla ice cream contains about 140 calories and just 7 grams of fat. Of course, this number can go up depending on the type of dairy and other ingredients you use—but overall, it's not too bad!

Sugar Content

There's also the question of sugar content. It's true that homemade vanilla ice cream contains a hefty amount of sugar (around 15-20 grams per serving), but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Natural sugars are far better for your body than manufactured ones—so instead of using refined white sugar, why not substitute with honey or molasses? This will still sweeten your creation without any artificial additives.

Protein Content

Finally, there’s protein content in homemade vanilla ice cream too: around 4 grams per serving. Dairy products are high in protein, and that’s why homemade ice cream is such a balanced treat—it has some natural sweetness from the sugar, some crucial fats from the dairy product used to make it and plenty of protein for your muscles and bones.


So there you have it--making vanilla ice cream at home isn't as difficult as it seems. With the right ingredients, a bit of time and patience, and the right technique, you can have a delicious homemade version of your favorite ice cream. Don't be intimidated, everyone can make a batch of the delectable creamy treat, and with the help of this recipe, your ice cream dreams can come true. So get out your ice cream maker and get to churning!

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