How to Make Delicious Cake Batter Ice Cream at Home

On a hot summer day, ice cream is the ideal treat. But why settle for boring old vanilla when you can have something even better? Cake batter ice cream is an indulgent, delicious spin on your favorite frozen treat.

It's easy to make at home, with just a few pantry staples and some kitchen creativity. And once you get the basics down, you can customize the flavor and texture to your own tastes. Whether you're looking for a creamy scoop served in a cone or an extra-indulgent bowl of ice cream with crunchy toppings, we've got you covered: Read on to learn how to make this delicious cake batter-flavored ice cream at home!

Ingredients You'll Need

If you love tantalizing your taste buds with a unique ice cream flavor, then you’re in the right place! Cake batter ice cream is a creamy and delicious treat that is sure to add a smile to your face. To get started, simply gather the following ingredients:

  • 2/3 cup of whole milk
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup store bought cake mix (or homemade!)

Make sure you have these ingredients handy, then you’re ready to begin the process of making this irresistible dessert. With a bit of patience and the right ingredients, soon your home will be filled with the delectable aroma of freshly baked cake—even though it’s technically in ice cream form!

Preparing the Cake Batter

Ready to make some delicious cake batter ice cream? Great! Let's start by preparing the cake batter. You'll need just a few simple ingredients: all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt, granulated sugar, whole milk, eggs, unsalted butter and vanilla extract. To start prepping your cake batter, mix together the dry ingredients—the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar—in a bowl.

In a separate bowl or cup, whisk together the whole milk and eggs. Then melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat until it's liquid. Remove from heat and add the melted butter and vanilla extract to the egg mixture before stirring everything together. Now add this wet mixture to your dry ingredients and stir until it's evenly combined into a thick cake batter.

Your delicious cake batter is now ready for use! You can go ahead and freeze it as-is if you'd like to use it later for something else or you can add it directly to your ice cream mixture and get ready to churn that creamy goodness!

Making the Ice Cream Base

To make the ice cream base, the only additional ingredients you need to have on hand are heavy cream, condensed milk and vanilla extract.

Heavy Cream

Heavy cream is the key ingredient in making ice cream because it helps create a smoother, richer and thicker texture. To make the ice cream base, combine heavy cream and condensed milk in a medium bowl and mix until completely blended. Add in your desired amount of vanilla extract to taste, then set aside while preparing the dry ingredients.

Condensed Milk

Condensed milk adds sweetness and flavor to the ice cream base, so you don’t have to worry about adding too much sugar or artificial sweeteners. It also helps give ice cream its creamy texture! You can use either regular or light condensed milk for this recipe - just adjust how much you use according to your preference.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract adds a nice hint of flavor to this recipe that’s not too overpowering but just enough to make it special. You can use either regular or pure vanilla extract in this recipe - just adjust how much you use according to your personal preference for taste.

Mixing Cake Batter and Base Together

Once all of your ingredients have been gathered and the ice cream base has been churned, it's time to mix the cake batter into it. This can be done in a few easy steps:

Step 1: Temper the Ice Cream Base

Before adding the cake batter to the ice cream base, you'll need to temper it. This process involves slowly adding a bit of the liquid cake batter to the creamy ice cream base while whisking quickly. This helps prevent temperatures from dropping too much due to the addition of cold liquid, which would make a lumpy ice cream that's not as smooth and creamy.

Step 2: Slowly Pour in Remaining Batter

Once your ice cream base is tempered, start adding the rest of your cake batter slowly and continuously whisk as you pour. Continue adding until all of the cake batter has been combined with your ice cream base.

Step 3: Place Mixture in Freezer

Once you've finished mixing and all of your ingredients are combined, pour your mixture into a freezer-safe container then place that container in your freezer for at least four hours. After four hours have passed, remove your frozen treat and enjoy!

Freezing and Serving the Ice Cream

Now that you have your cake batter ice cream ready to go it’s time to get it freezing in the ice cream maker. This is the fun part! Follow the instructions for your specific ice cream maker then let it churn for about 20 minutes or so.

When it starts to look nice and creamy, it’s time to take it out and serve. Scoop out into rough balls and decorate with colorful sprinkles and drizzle with some warm caramel sauce.

You can also freeze the rest of the ice cream for later by placing scoops on parchment paper-lined trays. Once frozen solid, transfer to freezer-safe bags or containers until you’re ready for a delicious treat.


Pro Tips for Perfect Cake Batter Ice Cream

Making cake batter ice cream at home doesn’t have to be hard, but there are a few pro-tips you want to keep in mind for perfect results. Here’s what you need to do:

Chilling the custard

Once you’ve cooked and strained your custard, let it chill for a couple of hours or even overnight in the fridge. This will ensure that your custard is well-chilled before adding it to the ice cream machine and starting to churn.

Churning correctly

Don’t rush through the churning process—depending on your ice cream machine, it could take anywhere from 20 minutes to 45 minutes or more. Just set it and forget it, so that your ice cream has time to get frozen and creamy at the same time.

Adding the cake batter

When your custard is chilled and ready, add the cake batter mix-ins last — just before transferring everything into a container for freezing. Mix gently with a spoon until everything is evenly distributed, being careful not to overmix. The key here is balance; too much mix-in could overwhelm your ice cream and make it too sweet.

Happy scooping!


Making your own Cake Batter Ice Cream at home is simple and doesn't require any expensive or hard-to-find ingredients. All you need is some basic kitchen equipment and a little time plus you have complete control over what goes into your ice cream so you can make sure it is completely free from artificial flavors, colors and preservatives. And best of all you get to enjoy a batch of delicious, creamy cake batter ice cream in the comfort of your own kitchen!

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